Joey Albert-Pacis

Daycare Director

Joey acquired her ECE Certificate in 2005.

She worked at Monkeys Playhouse, Port Moody, while finishing her practicum in the 3-5 Program and went on to become the supervisor of its Preschool Program. Joey also worked in their Out of School Care Program.

In 2010, Joey opened The Good Shepherd Daycare.

Other teaching experiences include being a Religion Teacher at the Assumption High School in the Philippines (1981 and 1982) and 20 years of volunteer teaching at the St. Joseph (Port Moody) Parish Religious Education Program, teaching the sacrament grades (grade 2 and grade 7).

A professional recording and concert artist since 1982, Joey combines her experiences as a musician and religion teacher into her daycare curriculum.

She believes that love is the single most important motivating force for learning. She espouses a quote by Frank Lloyd Wright which says that “the heart is the chief feature of a functioning mind”.